A study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine suggests that pain medicine pumps used after shoulder surgery may cause a serious side effect known as Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis (PAGCL). Symptoms of PAGCL include popping, chronic pain, and loss of strength. The side effects can take several months to appear after the surgery has taken place. PAGCL is a serious condition because it results in the loss of shoulder cartilage and can result in the need for shoulder joint replacement. This is a permanent and painful injury. If you have suffered PAGCL as a result of shoulder surgery and the use of a pain management pump, you should contact an attorney to discuss your legal rights as soon as possible. Remember, every state has a different time limit or statute of limitations which determines when a case needs to be filed. If you don't file your claim on time, you can be barred from bringing a claim in the future.
Tell me more about the pain pump
Pain Pumps are reservoirs that are filled with pain medication. They have a catheter that runs from the pump and is placed through an arthroscopic incision to the surgical site. They are very effective for managing pain after shoulder surgery and came into favor by doctors because it lessened the chance of a patient getting hooked on pain meds. Problems started to surface when some of these patients were developing cartilage damage or were in chronic pain after what should have been a relatively safe surgery with a quick recovery time. Many had no idea that the pain pumps were causing serious problems.
Why is cartilage loss so serious?
Cartilage is a lot like a shock absorber. When you move your arm, the humeras moves against the scapula. As long as the upper arm can slide against the shoulder there isn't a problem. But when you lose cartilage, you are losing the cushion that allows your bones to move smoothly against each other, and the whole mechanism falls apart. The result is lots of pain, and lots of restriction in arm movement.
My Doctor has told me that I need to have shoulder replacement surgery
Shoulder Replacement Surgery is very expensive. It is similar to other surgeries, and carries the same risks. The surgical team makes an incision into the shoulder, pulls the arm bone out of the socket, and removes the ball shaped end of the upper arm. The top of the arm bone is hollowed out with a high speed drill, and an artificial ball joint is slid into th e top of the arm bone. The surface of the shoulder socket will be smoothed out, and an artificial lining secured in place.
Is there a recall?
Due to manufacturing defects, Cardinal Health issued a recall for the Alaris Infusion Pump model 8100 (also known as the Medley Pump). These devices were used to deliver controlled amounts of medication. The recall applies to devices shipped before September 27, 2007. The recall applies to over 200,000 devices worldwide. The FDA has classified the action as a Class 1 recall, as the use of these pumps involves a reasonable probability of serious injury or death.
In July 2008, the United States Judicial Panel on MDL (Multi District Litigation) denied a motion to consolidate the lawsuits. Therefore, cases are being considered on an individual basis.
What Can I Do?

If you are contemplating shoulder surgery, you need to be aware of these potential risks associated with these pain pumps and should discuss your concerns with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.
If you have used a pain pump and are suffering from shoulder stiffness, popping and clicking, grinding, or decreased range of motion, you may have a claim. You should contact an attorney as soon as possible because you don't want to run into any statute of limitations problems (statute of limitations are time limits for filing your case). Keep in mind that each state has a different set of guidelines which determine how long you have to file. Some of these factors can include: the state where the injury occurred, the type of injury sustained, the state where the lawsuit is filed, and the age of the person bringing the lawsuit. Remember, every state is different. If Pain Pump or PAGCL lawsuits are not filed before the statutory deadline you may lose the right to bring a claim altogether.
By: Valerie Andrews
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Valerie Andrews is author of this article on http://www.uscourts.gov/forms/attorney-forms Pain Pump Lawsuit.
Find more information Best Attorney in College Station about Pain Ball Lawsuit here.
http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/PAGCL-Litigation-Shoulder-Joint-R eplacement-Lawsuit/947612
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